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Cookies customization

The website of the University of Cádiz uses its own and third-party cookies to carry out analysis of use and measurement of traffic, as well as to allow the correct functioning in social networks, and in this way to improve your browsing experience.

For more information about cookies you can consult the Cookies policy from the website of the University of Cádiz. You can also access the cookie settings at any time from the corresponding link in the footer.

You can configure the website cookies according to their purpose:

  • Statistical analysis

    Third-party cookies (Google Analytics) are used on this site that allow the number of users to be quantified anonymously (personal data will never be obtained to identify the user) and thus be able to analyze the use made by users of our service, in order to improve the browsing experience and offer our content optimally.

  • Social networks

    Third-party cookies are used on this website that allow the proper functioning of some social networks (mainly YouTube and Twitter) without using any personal data of the user.

Centro Universitario de Enfermería Salus Infirmorum

COVID-19 4 March 2020


Estimados/as compañeros/as


Por orden del Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social y de la Consejería de Salud y Familias de la Junta de Andalucía , relacionada con las recomendaciones para la actuación frente a los casos del coronavirus COVID-19, quedan suspendidas las prácticas clínicas  en los hospitales y distintos centros asistenciales a partir de hoy 4 de marzo de 2020 hasta nuevo aviso.


Desde la Dirección del Centro os haremos llegar toda la información y directrices que nos vayan enviando al respecto. Del mismo modo, os informaremos de las diferentes medidas que podamos tomar para afrontar este periodo docente.


Un cordial saludo y quedamos a vuestra disposición.